Articles on: Pop Notification

How To Exclude Specific product from Pop Notification?

Want to exclude a specific product from pop notification and don't know how to do it? Don't worry we got you covered.

For excluding Specific products from pop notifications you need to follow the given steps

Step1 Go to Pop notification > Other Options

Step2 Then click on the Select Product under the Hide certain product section.

Step3 A screen will appear and from there Select the product which you want to exclude from the pop notification by clicking on the + symbol. Then click on the Continue with the selected Product button.

If you wish to include these products from Pop notifications, continue the same process and when the last window will appear, click on “Remove All” or use the 🗑 button next to the product.

By following the above steps you can easily exclude certain products
Note- Make sure to tap on Save button to save the changes

Updated on: 06/12/2024

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